Sunday, June 3, 2007

A New Dawn

Well I woke up this morning to a new day and a new know us Gemini's can have our shoulder has gotten a little better and the coffee is on and I will finsih packing and then I am off to Dijon...actually with a much happier and positive attitude....must have been all those vibes from friends winging their way across the Atlantic last night. Mary tell Jeannie she is an inspiration to me !!! And thanks for the e-mails Dianne and Cindy and Pearl...Just wanted everyone to know that I will get the most out of these last days. Love you all especially you Bruce.... Ardythe

True Confessions

This is going back way in my past, but when I was young say, 10 years old maybe 12 my grandmother would babysit me at her home on Black Street in Halifax on a Saturday night. I have no idea what my parents were doing...funny how you did not care ...but I would go to the store up the street and buy a bottle of Big 8 cream soda and come back and watch Perry Como with her...she loved Perry often saying"he could put his slippers under my bed anytime". She was a widow and had been for a long time. Anyway, I disgress as I usually do, but one of the things I found at her place neatly hid in a bench at the end of her bed...the top lifted up for storage...were many magazines called True Confessions. I would take a few when she was not looking and store them in my bedroom and read them under the covers at night. Now by todays standards these magazines were pretty tame but to me at my young age they taught me a little about life and sex and male and female relationships. But it is the title that I am stealing as there is no sex on this side of the here is my confession.. I am homesick....this 8th week is too long and this morning I woke up thinking "go to the airport and beg Air Canada to let me go home " oh well I can make it and the big thing is to start planning some things but oh I miss everything ...Bruce told me in an e-mail that the blossoms were out on all the apple trees and were brilliant....even the blackflies sound good.Everything I am doing these days is geared to the countdown...I have measured out the right amount of vitamins and I have the numbers of days left on a paper and I mark a big X thru them as I go to bed..... I have stopped buying food and am eating up what is in my fridge...and drinking the wine... I think I will get through it all. Somehow I have developed a pulled shoulder not sure what I did maybe it is sympathy with those players in the French Open I have been watching. Now I have never been one to watch tennis before but I am getting in to this...Roger Federer is playing today and I am waiting for him to come on. I read an article about him in a Sports Illustrated magazine Jamie had when he was here....the best player of the century and so unassuming....anyway that will get me through Sunday and then tomorrow I am off to Dijon.... I was going todaybut when I started reading I realized the place I wanted to see... their Marche is on Tuesdays so I will stay overnite...anyway I was glad I had changed my mind when I woke with this stupid shoulder / neck thing. I had not realized before but these matches can last 4 hours maybe more...the one yesterday did and it was absolutely great.. the French player Olivier Patience and the Serbian Djokovic...the Serb won but it was very close. I think that is it though for French players...they have all been defeated as the 4th level starts. Anyway send me some e-mails to keep my spirits up and you can even say I told you so or you should have told me so that this was too long a time...I can take it..
So yesterday was my last day for the Saturday market in my bread an cheese and veggies and roti chicken...the French string beans are wonderful here and even when I grow them at home I do not seem to get them picked at the right time..these are all perfect and taste so good. And I love these chickens...I will turn into one is amazing that these veggies are all ready now and ours haven't even got in the ground yet and if they have are just barely breaking ground. How come they are so far ahead..I think it is that they never get that cold here ... no real freezing temperatures like we get so they plant so much earlier. Anyway next Saturday I leave very early in the AM to get to the wait another 24 hours... I am leaving early as I want to take the train straight to the airport rather than change and use the underground system. I have a hotel room at the airport and will be able to watch more of the French Open ! Anyway I am off I think Roger is on now and is not doing well I will write again. Love to all... Ardythe